We have moved our loyalty card offers to our new website! Click the button below to go to Love Newquay.
Love Newquay Loyalty Card
Offers are available in the following categories - food and drink, attractions, retail, sports and activities, health and beauty, and services. Improving a defined commercial area. A BID is created when the majority of business ratepayers within that area vote to invest collectively in local improvements, events, marketing and business support.

How can you get a loyalty card?
You can pick up a card from Newquay Tourist information centre (Marcus Hill). All loyalty cards are free.
What are the loyalty card offers?
All the loyalty card offers have moved to our new Love Newquay website. To find out more visit
Who are loyalty cards available to?
You can pick up another card for more members of your family from the Newquay Toursit information centre (Marcus Hill). You do not have to live in a TR7 or TR8 postcode to pick up a card, they are available to everyone.
Did you know?
If every TR7 postcode household spent an extra £5 each week in Newquay’s high street, it will generate £45,000 per week into Newquay’s economy.