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What is Newquay BID?

Newquay BID is a business-led initiative supported by government legislation which gives businesses the power to raise funds locally to be spent locally on improving a defined commercial area. A BID is created when the majority of business ratepayers within that area vote to invest collectively in local improvements, events, marketing and business support.

What is BID?

There are now over 320 BIDs across the UK and 8 operating within Cornwall. The BID is independent from local authorities and other statutory agencies and delivers projects over and above the baseline service provided by them.

Newquay BID first became operational in April 2011 and has been operating for more than 12 years having been successfully renewed for a third term in 2021.

Why does Newquay need a BID?

As a tourist destination, we need to ensure ongoing marketing and promotions, events and business support to both retain and attract new visitors. We are competing with other regional towns that also have BIDs, who will be using their funding to promote their towns regionally and nationally through digital marketing and flagship events. To preserve the vitality of our town centre and encourage inward investment is crucial in maintaining Newquay as a place to live and work.

At its peak, Newquay’s population increases from 25 thousand to 100 thousand over August and it’s crucial that we encourage these visitors to return by investing in our street environment and taking pride in Newquay.

What can a BID do?

A BID can deliver virtually anything its businesses decide they need, as long as it is over and above what the local authority already provides.  A BID is an independent, not-for-profit organisation. It cannot carry out any projects or services that statutorily have to be provided by public agencies.

What does Newquay BID do?

Newquay BID has set out its business plan to highlight the vision and objectives, and projects will be worked on for the term.

The key priorities for Newquay BID are as follows;

To maintain Newquay as a leading year-round destination through local, national and international marketing campaigns including Press Trips, Love Newquay social media and our Love Newquay website.

To sustain and grow the vibrant Newquay events scene through supporting, funding, facilitating and coordinating events that encourage and drive footfall all year round.

working with key partners on the appearance, cleanliness and safety of the town centre environment.

To represent and champion the voices of the businesses through ongoing and new partnerships, working groups and importantly through facilitating support in response to issues and opportunities arising.

Driving all of the 4 key Priorities will result in increasing footfall into our town and businesses and ultimately creating an all-year-round vibrant destination for locals and tourists alike.